“Laurel Hill Cemetery” Ariel Shuhart, Basic Photograhy Spring 2011

“Mt. Moriah cemetery” The tombstone of Vietnam War vet lies in a pile of tires by the entrance of the cemetery. – Bella Pezzati, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“Fishtown, Girard Ave.” A backyard full of cats outside of a rowhouse next to an on-ramp for I-95. – Bella Pezzati, Basic Photography, Spring 2011

“Fairmount Park” Six Geese sit next to the water by Boathouse Row on Sunday, April 3, 2011. -Elizabeth Stevens, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“Chinatown” Sam Oshlag, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“The Wissahickon Creek” A 19-year-old Jersey boy makes the biggest catch of the day on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at the Wissahickon Creek. -Sarah Froehlich-Hull, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“The Wissahickon Creek” A fly-fisherman waits just before a waterfall on Sunday April 3, 2011. – Sam Margulies, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“Old City” Custard the dog sits with his owner in front of the Second Street Bank of the United States at 4th and Chestnut streets on Monday, April 4, 2011. – Erin Dungee, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“Reading Terminal Market” A pianist shares a tune with a group of young girls on Wednesday, april 6, 2011. – Liz Giacalone

“Reading Terminal Market” The basement of the Reading Terminal Market can only be accessed by employees (or photography students disguised as employees). The length of the ceiling is lined with brick arches, presumably to support the immense weight of the trains which once visited the terminal. April 2, 2011. – Dillon Mast, Basic Photography Spring 2011

“Delaware Waterfront” The Jupiter tugboat waits on the water through a cold Wednesday night. -Sarah Froehlich-Hull, Basic Photography Spring 2011