Young by Timi Jones. A boy from North Philadelphia takes in the views of his neighborhood on Saturday, September 26, 2015.
Self Portrait by Tamas Mizsei. Tamas Mizsei, 21, takes a self portrait at 17th and Tasker Street on September 29.
Musician by Erin Onushco. Frank Della Penna, 64, plays the carillon at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in Lebanon, Pennsylvania on September 27, 2015.
Musician by Nicholas Gales. Charles Townsend, 62, plays Amazing Grace for a public audience in honor of the Papal visit outside of the Comcast Building on 17th Street in Philadelphia, September 27, 2015.
Athlete by Michelle Severino. Devon Ward, 16, training at Temple University track field for the track team on September 23, 2015.