- Calm before the storm by Urszula Pruchniewska. “A gutter gathers rainwater in St. Albans Street in South Philadelphia as Hurricane Sandy approaches, 28 October 2012.”
- Inside Looking Out by Randi Fair. “Randi Fair snaps a shot of the deluge while looking for newsworthy subjects to shoot for her photography course at Temple University. ‘I really wish I was in my pajamas right now,’ she thought as the rain dripped through the sunroof.”
- In the Thick of It by Shanshan Xu. “Umbrella falling apart and lying on empty street in Center City Philadelphia as hurricane Sandy sweeps in on October 29,2012.”
- In the Thick of It by Kelsey Stanger. “11:59 AM An American Flag is damaged in the heavy winds outside Macy’s department store in the Roosevelt Mall on Tuesday October 30, 2012.”
- Hunkering Down by Randi Fair. “West Philadelphia High School, located at 49th and Chestnut, was turned into a makeshift shelter for anyone displaced during Hurricane Sandy, including their pets.”
- Aftermath by Randi Fair. “A tree branch rests atop a car on 47th and Pine in West Philadelphia. Damage from the debris was a common sight as wind gusted up to 70mph in some areas.”
- Aftermath by Ryan Hanstein
- Aftermath by Ethan Schwartz. “Drowned power lines and flooded streets are all that remain in the wake of the ‘Frankenstorm’ named Sandy.”
- Aftermath by Susanna Selch. “Hurricane Sandy brought down many wires and caused trash to be blown all over the street.”