- Young by Timi Jones. A boy from North Philadelphia takes in the views of his neighborhood on Saturday, September 26, 2015.
- Self Portrait by Tamas Mizsei. Tamas Mizsei, 21, takes a self portrait at 17th and Tasker Street on September 29.
- Musician by Erin Onushco. Frank Della Penna, 64, plays the carillon at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in Lebanon, Pennsylvania on September 27, 2015.
- Musician by Nicholas Gales. Charles Townsend, 62, plays Amazing Grace for a public audience in honor of the Papal visit outside of the Comcast Building on 17th Street in Philadelphia, September 27, 2015.
- Athlete by Michelle Severino. Devon Ward, 16, training at Temple University track field for the track team on September 23, 2015.