Edward Scissorhands

Work Title: Edward Scissorhands
Medium: Film
Episode Title:
Year: 1990
Writer(s): Tim Burton
"Original" Writer: Yes Writer(s): Caroline Thompson
"Original" Writer: Yes Own work?: No


from imdb.com A modern day fairy tale which tells the story of Edward, the man created by an inventor, who died before finishing him and left Edward with scissors where he should have hands. One day when the local "Avon" representative calls at the historic mansion where Edward has been living alone, she takes him home to stay with her family. He has to adapt to the new life and environment that he isn't used to. Soon he shows a talent in cutting hair and hedges, and wins every body's heart. But life isn't always so sweet... Summary written by Sami Al-Taher {staher2000@yahoo.com}

Era/Year of Portrayal: present_day

Distinctive characteristics of the world in portrayal:

present day 1990


  • Name of portrayed presence-evoking technology: Edward
  • Description of the technology: Edward appears as a normal man, with scissors for hands. He walks and talks, but has an unusual appearence. People interact with him an a person. He appears as a man but is an unfinished invention.
  • Nature of task or activity: People interact with Edward as if he were a human, as they think he is.
  • Performance of the Technology: He works well - but some people find it difficult to accept him. He isn't quite human.
  • Description of creator(s): A old, white male inventor who lives in seclusion. He seems to love Edward as a son, wanting him to be human.
  • Major goal(s) of creator(s): companionship, and proabably to challenge his inventing skills.
  • Description of users of technology: Everyone - male, female, all ages.
  • Type(s) of presence experience in the portrayal: social_presence
  • Description of presence experience: They interact with Edward as if he is human. While the experience may be a little unusual, it typically is fine. In fact, some women seek Edward out.
  • User awareness of technology during experience: no. everyone thinks he is human.
  • Valence of experience: pleasent
  • Specific responses: not any reactions out of the ordinary -
Long-term consequences:

Some people cannot accept Edward. He ends up living his life in isolation, alone. His presence is solitary, and the love of her life remains unhappy as well.


Coder name: Amanda Scheiner
Coder email: amandags@temple.edu
Coder affiliation: Temple University