Quote by Breeanin Hansteen. “Between the dark and the daylight when the night is beginning to lower comes a pause in the day’s occupations, that is known as the Children’s Hour.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A member of the Philadelphia bike crew, Official tap Boys, pops a wheelie in Kensington on March 8, 2015.
Quote by Clayton Tax. “I used to think I set a fire in your eyes but that was just the refection of the one you set in mine.” A woman in Chinatown stares at her reflection in a puddle before crossing the street on February 28, 2015 in Philadelphia, Pa.
Quote by Sarai Flores. “The vison of one man lends not its wings to another.” –Khalil Gibran on teaching. Michael o-Law To’Bon chief executive servant of God’s Love At Work Foundation tells his son to preform a rap protesting the Philadelphia educational school system during the Letter’s to Trayvon conference at Arcadia University on March, 1, 2015.
Quote by Elena Iwata. “Someone was alive, whom you followed by oil lamp, for hours through the pages.” –Henry Braun, Reading Late. Jessie Iwata reads hans Fallada’s novel The Drinker late at midnight on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. She has always loved reading, especially because of her father, Henry Braun, wo was an avid reader and poet.
Quote by Chip Frenette. “The vision of one man lends not its wings to another.” Fred Jenkins squares off against Jeff Lentz in a Junior Middleweight bout at 2300 Arena on South Swanson Street in Philadelphia on Friday, March, 6, 2015. Lentz walked away with the victory with a unanimous decision. This was Jenkins first defeat since 2013.
Quote by Chip Frenette. “I will march up to the cannon’s mouth, and amid the glistening bayonets I will tear down their flag from its staff.”-Russell Conwell. Heavyweight Joey Dawejko of Philadelphia celebrates after knocking out Nigerian born Enbobong Umohette at 0:27 of the first round at 2300 Arena on South Swanson Street in Philadelphia on march 6, 2015. This marked Dawejko’s sixth consecutive knock out in a professional bout making his climb to being a contender for the WBA Heavyweight title a little bit shorter.
Quote by Chip Frenette. “You can’t get too much winter in the winter.” –Robert Frost. Upper Darby resident Roberta Hoffman-Frenette waits in a vestibule as a doorman hails a cab for her in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan’s East Side on Sunday, March 1, 2015. She is not allowing a little bit of snow slower her down while she is in town celebrating her 49th birthday.
Quote by Clayton Tax. “Love nothing, hate most” is graffitied on a wall of the remains of a cement factory on march 7, 2015 in Northampton Pa.
Quote by Clayton Tax. “He said that the world was once a mere bank of fog, which is scientifically true, and he said that the Almighty thrust his finger into the bank of fog and then began slowly to move his finger around and gradually to increase the speed of his finger until at last he whirled that bank of fog into a solid ball of fire…” Looking down the avenue of the arts on a snowy day on March 5, 2015 in Philadelphia, Pa.
“Acres of Diamonds” by Kevin Chang. Kevin Chang, 21, Communication Studies major has been b-boying or breakdancing for eight years as a hobby. Here he does a handstand forearm freeze on Sunday March 25, 2015 at Mitten Hall in Temple University.
Quote by JD Mousley. “This season’s holding us all hostage, better do whatever it demands.” A snowplow clears the collection of snow from a parking lot on 12th and Montgomery on Tuesday, March 10, 2015.
Quote by Channel Tompkins. “The vision of one man lends not its wings to another.” A man sits and reads the newspaper at Barnes and Noble Café, located at Broad and Cecil B. Moore, in Philadelphia. The opposite side of the newspaper reads “Condos for Millionaires,” boldly stating that the poor and middle class are exempt.
Quote by Margo Reed. “Let us not wallow in the valley of despair…” –Martin Luther King Jr. The cemetery sits peacefully behind St. Charles Seminary in Old City Philadelphia on March 13, 2015.
Quote by Brian Tom. “Vision is the art of seeing what’s invisible to others.” Sophomore biochemistry major Danielle Daniels looks out the window of the sixth floor of Morgan Hall using binoculars on Sunday, March 15, 2015.